Publishing your book is the easy
part. Selling it is much harder.
We encourage
authors to participate in marketing their book by:
Sending books
for review and providing complimentary book copies to bookshops in
their area.
book catalogues in their local area and in their own church
fellowship. Catalogues are available free of charge. Please let us
know how many you require.
We do not often advertise in
Christian newspapers and magazines
since this is very costly and the small number of book sales
generated does not cover the cost of advertisements.
Book reviews
are cheaper and more effective than direct advertising. The cost is
limited to a few copies of the book and the postage. Of course,
editors cannot review every book submitted to them and sending a book
for review does not mean that it will
be reviewed, but a book favourably reviewed is likely to generate sales.
book copies
sent to bookshops in the author's local area, can be an effective way
of introducing a book and an author into bookshops. This is
especially effective if the author is personally known at the bookshop.
A catalogue of
current and forthcoming books
is included with every book order placed directly with ourselves.
A list of other
books published
by Twoedged Sword Publications is included at the end of most new
books published.